A unique, 45+ year old company that specializes in the sale and installation of products designed for promotional purposes, advertising campaigns, sporting events and a variety of recreational activities. The company has developed a diverse, loyal customer base that includes government and commercial customers and sales to individuals and organizations. Customers are located in the Baltimore / DC metro. Buyer will benefit from experienced and processes developed by the operational and sales teams.
Company Profile:
45+ years, Baltimore MD based multi-generational family owned business
Job sites from Baltimore to N VA Multiple revenue streams (installation and product sales)
Key management team
Established relationships with supplier and customers
Multiple growth opportunities
Average revenue $1.6m
Average SDE (sellers discretionary earnings) $180K
Benefits to Buyer:
Consistent financial results
Long-term staff
Owners understand the need for a smooth transition and will support buyer as needed
Turnkey business processes
Buyer Profile:
An owner/operator looking to acquire an established, successful business family business
A strategic buyer searching for growth / diversification opportunities
Please Contact: Eddie Davis (EDavis@HarvestBusiness.com or 301-325-7687) to discuss this business in more detail.
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We will then be able to discuss financial details and other confidential information about the business with you.
Disclosure: We have relied on information provided and approved by seller and make no additional representations or warranties. Buyers should review with their advisors as needed.
Clients choose Harvest Business Advisors for our sage advice on profitably growing their business, accurate business valuations, and when the time is right, a consistent ability to deliver a high price as part of a smooth exit transaction. Harvest Business Advisors provides business brokerage, business valuation, and business succession planning services.
We have extensive experience in the information technology and professional services, manufacturing, distribution, and contracting fields. We maintain offices in Maryland, New Jersey and Virginia. Connect with us at info@harvestbusiness.com.